Wednesday, May 17, 2006

City Focus Areas Ranked by Votes

This chart doesn't reproduce incredibly well in this Blogger format, but here are the areas of priority that the City Council voted for on April 13th in a public workshop. This is the first part of the budget process, and staff then took this list back to determine hard costs.

The order is in order of council priority, and the numbers after (H M L) indicate the number of council members (including the Mayor in this exercise) voting for each priority.

Proposed Focus Area H M L

1 Additional Police Personnel (Police) 7 0 0
2 Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Updates (Planning Commission) 6 1 0
3 Develop & Implement Affordable Housing Strategies (Administration) 5 2 0
4 Increase the Level of Overlay Funding (Engineering) 5 2 0
5 Additional Fire Fighters (Fire) 5 2 0
6 Additional Parks Workers (Parks) 5 2 0
7 Customer Service Enhancements (Building) 5 2 0
8 Resources for Constructing ADA Compliance Initiatives (Streets) 5 2 0
9 Strengthen Code Enforcement (Legal) 4 3 0
10 Additional HEO Staffing in Streets (Streets) 4 3 0
11 Parks Irrigation Worker (Parks) 4 3 0
12 Replenish Insurance Plan (Legal) 4 2 1
13 Provide Fire Service Outside City/Transfer Revenue (Fire) 4 2 1
14 Implement a Traffic School (Police) 3 2 2
15 Effluent Reuse Pilot (Wastewater) 1 6 0
16 Implementation of Citywide GIS Program (Municipal Services) 0 6 1
17 Pursue Fernan Sewer Agreement Negotiations (Legal/Wastewater) 2 5 0
18 Support Expansion of Citylink Public Transportation (Administration) 2 5 0
19 Acceptance of HUD “Entitlement City” Designation (Administration) 1 5 1
20 Expand “North Ramsey Campus”/Land Acquisition (Administration) 1 5 1
21 Convert Inline Area of Skate Park into BMX/Skate Park (Recreation) 1 5 1
22 Continue to Implement E-Commerce (Finance) 3 4 0
23 Joint Construction of Gyms (Winton) with School District (Recreation) 3 4 0
24 Credit Card Payment & On-Line Registration/Reservation (Parks/Recreation) 3 4 0
25 Resources to Sustain Expanded Library (Library/Parks) 3 4 0
26 Park Facility Upgrades (Parks) 3 4 0
27 Project Management and Inspection for ADA Compliance (Engineering) 3 4 0
28 River District Planning Study (Administration) 2 4 1
29 Planning for Growth by ULI Advisory Committee (Administration) 2 4 1
30 Develop a Hearing Examiner Process (Legal/Finance) 1 4 2
31 Adjudication of Aquifer Water Rights by State (Water) 1 3 3
32 Become a Class I Rated City (Fire) 2 2 3
33 Weed Abatement Program/Double-Fronted Lot Maintenance (Streets) 1 2 4
34 Downtown/Midtown Roof Drain – Stormwater Separation (Wastewater) 1 2 4

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Summer Help in Coeur d'Alene

A message from Parks Director Doug Eastwood:

The CDA Parks Department is in the process of hiring summer help. The starting wage is $8.67 per hour. We work 40 hours per week and this can include weekends and holidays. The individual needs to be 16 years old or older and have a current driver’s license. We are hiring guys and gals. They will be assisting the full time staff with the daily maintenance of our parks, trails, building grounds, boulevards, and natural areas. If you know someone that might be interested, send them to City Hall and ask for Jackie Carbone. Jackie will give them an application.